Posts Tagged With: education

American Insurgency

“Periodic revolution, ‘at least once every 20 years,’ was ‘a medicine necessary for the sound health of government.’” Thomas Jefferson.

America was founded on insurgency, as we all know, and according to this quote, we are long overdue for a new revolution.  Now I’m not talking insurgency like what’s going in the Middle East.  Palestinian “freedom fighters” are nothing more than terrorists and thugs whose goal is to eradicate a race of people off the face of the earth.  I’m talking about a revolution to take back the freedom that the government has taken away from us in the last 60 years.

Thomas Jefferson, as well as the rest of the founding fathers, knew that a government would long to have more and more control of everyone and everything they can get their grubby little hands on.  To borrow quote from Stan Lee ,”with great power comes great responsibility.”  The problem we have is that the government wants an ever-growing power with the benefit of passing the responsibility to someone else, i.e. tax the rich.  We need to have a revolution in this country and force those in our government to listen to us again.  I’m not suggesting taking up arms.  Yet.

We have a responsibility to our family, friends, and neighbors to make sure we elect the right representatives into office, representatives who will then make the needed decisions to help this country thrive.  This starts not with the president, but closer to home.  The most important campaigns are run in our own backyards and a lot of us don’t pay any attention to them.  I would find it hard to believe that any of us know every elected official in our local city hall.  How about in the county we live in.  For some reason our only focus is what’s happening, a little bit  at the state level, but mainly at the national level.

We need to change this.  I am calling for a peaceful revolution.  We need to work together to take control of our city, then our county.  Then we’ll be able to take control of our state, then even our country.  The progressives had the right idea with the 100 year plan.  If we plan on changing the nation for the better we need to copy some plays out of their playbook and come up with some new ones on our own.  New plays like going out to urban areas, and showing them the true nature of the democrat party, and how it is not the party of the people.  I heard somewhere that there were individuals ready and willing to go out to jewish, latino, and black communities to try to drive support for Mitt Romney a few months back.  The Romney campaign turned their offers down.  What?  This really needs to change.  I’m looking at you GOP.

Another step we need to take is taking back the education system from leftist union control.  We do have awesome teachers out their who are pushed aside by some of the worst teachers around, just because they have been a teacher longer.  Teachers should be held to some kind of standards, and the current, as long as they don’t kill a student, mentality is getting us nowhere.  Parents need to be involved in the educating of our children.  We need to instill our children with righteous morals, a good work ethic, and respect of their fellow-man.  We need to teach them the truth about American history, the good and the bad, and show them how when we did something wrong this is how we fixed it.

We allow liberal public school teachers to mold the minds of the children, under the guise of education, as they basically babysit our children.  Even if we can’t be there to educate our children in person, we should be at a minimum asking children what they learned in school today and have discussions on those subjects pointing out the blurring of any facts.  I don’t have children yet, and before you say that disqualifies me from giving out my “words of wisdom,” everything I’m saying is just plain common sense and I wish this was some of the interaction I had with my parents around the dinner table.

These are a few of the first steps I believe we need to accomplish to win back this nation.  It may end up being a slow process, but a slow process got us here in the first place.

Follow me on twitter @OlyPatriot and @RevOnlineDotCom.  Don’t forget to like TheRevolutionary on facebook.

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