Posts Tagged With: empire

Pray For the Shooting Victims

First off I ask that you pray for the victims of the horrendous shooting near the Empire State Building.  I ask that you also pray for the shooters family.  This man was a coward and a killer, but he might have had a wife and children that are grieving as well.

I don’t know if the shootings that happened the last couple weeks are an uncommon occurrence, or if the shootings are happening more often. There is a fews ways to break this down.

  1. This is a new trend.  It doesn’t happen all the time. 
    I doubt this is the case, but if it is then this will end up either good or bad.  It could be the end of these types of shootings, though I doubt it, and maybe we’ll all live in harmony. It could also be the beginning and we see more cowards “taking revenge” on those they think did them wrong.  For some reason people nowadays must be more emotional or something, because losing a job or someone picking on you does not justify shooting anyone, or suicide for that matter.
  2. This happens all the time and the media just doesn’t report it, because there is more important news to get to the public.
    I hope this is the case, because let’s face it, people do bad things to other people. Not just shooting them.  The amount of shootings that happen everyday, I’m sure, are a lot.  There is no need to use this politically.
  3. This happens all the time, but the media doesn’t report it because it doesn’t fit their agenda.
    I hope this is not the case, because it means the media is not doing it’s job.  I wouldn’t put it past the leftist media to hide facts and pick and choose their stories to push their progressive liberal agenda though.  This would be shameful and in my opinion criminal.

Since it’s already being politicized, let’s look at gun control.  Manhattan has a ban on handguns, yet this person was able to get a gun and shoot up a bunch of people because he got fired. A year ago.  If Manhattan was a city where anyone could conceal carry, most criminals would think twice before robbing or hurting someone.  Also, if someone was to go on a rampage, they would be shot down before a lot of people were hurt.  Politicians and the media have been politicizing shootings for years to try and sway public opinion on gun control in their favor.  Why aren’t we doing the same for those whack jobs that got on a knifing spree.  It happens.  So let’s not look at these and only see the gun.  Let’s look at it for what it really is cowards hurting other people.


It looks like most of the injured might have been from the police shooting the suspect.  That’s right, it seems the shooter may have only fired one shot, and unfortunately killed his target.  He then left and was followed by a construction worker, who notified police about what happened.  When confronted the suspect did pull the gun out of his bag and was shot by the police officers.  

So how many bullets does it take to stop someone?  I would say three rounds to the chest will stop most anyone, but police lately seem to have to fire way to many bullets at a suspect.  Maybe they need a little more range time, I don’t know.  I am not downplaying the stress and risk officers take everyday they are on the street.  Just making an observation.

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